If you’re like me and wondering what rock you’ve been sitting under, because you just discovered the brilliance that it Gary Clark Jr when watching episode 2 of Luke Cage, Season 2, you are not alone.

The episode wasn’t over before I went to my googles to figure out who this guy was and how I could hear and see more. I went deep into YouTube and began watching every video I could find. Alas, I awoke at 7am the next morning with my laptop on my pillow next to my head with Gary in the still frame of my screen. To say, I’m a fan, I think is an understatement. I mean, I am writing a whole post about him while nursing a hangover from the festivities of AfroPunk Paris and France’s world cup win last night.

Paris was alive and free and I enjoyed the ambiance thoroughly – the highlight though… Gary!

This dude can sing, play his ass off  – I’ve never had a thing for guitar players, until now – and his sex appeal while doing both is off the charts.

He performed last night at AfroPunk Paris. I pushed my way to the front of the stage and just thanked my lucky stars that I had this opportunity to see him live so quickly after I figured out who he was. After sharing what I call, pelvic passion, by banging out a series of beautiful passionate notes on his guitar, he said coyly : “I just had to get that out.” The woman exhaled next to me: “I love him”.

Me too, I said. I was smitten…all over again.  *cues: “Bright lights”

Check out Gary Clark Jr. from a few videos and photos (click to enlarge) I took last night!